me AF

You can call me Octo :>
Level 30+, she/her

First things first... (Disclaimer)

> Please do not interact with me if you're a minor! I am an adult who creates works that are not suitable for younger folks and do not want to associate with minors in any capacity online.> Some of my content contains sensitive themes. "Problematic" if you will. Please do not interact with me if this bothers you. I do not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable if I can help it. D: Additionally, I do not condone any of the criminal or abusive behavior that may be present in my work or the works I admire.

Just some clarification

> I don't follow many people and don't plan on following anyone new except for private accounts. I have had issues in the past with navigating the idea of being "mutuals" with others. I promise this is not a measure of who I want to interact with. I'm very happy to talk to anyone who seems nice and chill and wants to have meaningful conversation.> I try my best to avoid being chronically online. I'm also fairly introverted. If I take some time to respond or seem absent for a bit, I'm preoccupied or just doing the self care thing. <3> My Twit Circle is open to anyone who interacts with my posts regularly (doesn't have to mean commenting/chatting necessarily). Please DM me to be added. :)

Finally... An About Section

> My favorite hobby is drawing. I've recently found joy in writing.> Extremely prone to hyperfixating and only invested in the same like 5 things at any given time. LBR, I'm just awful at multitasking LMAO.> Habby owner of two (2) cats and many (several) house plants.> Love to dance and rock out to just about anything. Give me ur music recs blz!> Emoji abuser with a tendency to swear like a sailor and chat like a fuckin foooool. Oops. 🥴


> My bird app DMs are always open. I enjoy private conversation more than public, so please don't be afraid to reach out to me if you feel the same and wanna chat. :)> I'm also on Discord and happy to exchange with anyone I interact with regularly.> If Twit ever dies for real, I'll probably just stick to AO3. Included Tumblr just in case but SHRUGS if I'll ever go back LOL...